Scavenger Hunt: Introduction

Introduction All Boards of Directors have three duties: the duty of care, the duty of loyalty and the duty of obedience. We’ve reviewed these duties in a previous section. Included in some of those duties are policies and documents required by law for every nonprofit organization, for example, a Conflict of Interest policy. But beyond those…

Board Health: Teamwork Evaluations

Teamwork evaluations play a similar role to board health as the individual evaluations we reviewed earlier. Teamwork evaluations allow for a deeper dive into the organizational structure and mechanisms of the board. Just as the individual evaluations provide insight into the areas for growth and new board members to fill needed roles, a teamwork evaluation…

Board Health: Individual Evaluations

A key component of overall board health is understanding our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, better known as a SWOT analysis. SWOTs are a great way to evaluate your organization, its mission and programming but, often, nonprofits do not take the time to evaluate their board of directors as well. It is important to consider…

The 3 Duties of Board Members

Introduction All of us become involved with nonprofit organizations for one reason: we believe in the work the organization does. Something about the programming and mission of your organization keeps you involved and called you to be a board member, it’s as simple as that. Our organizations have a duty to the community in which…

Board Basics Guide – An introduction

Why this guide Board development, the continuing education of board members in order to institute best practices and an efficient workflow, is something all Boards of Directors need but, sadly, we often put off. It is easier to put board development on the back-burner when there are so many other, seemingly more important, issues to…