Planning: Journey vs. Route

Organizations always need a mix of inspiration and practicality as they work. We’ve touched on this before, discussing working from the ideal to real in your planning process. Today, we look at one key component of your planning process: Planning.

The journey

Strategic plans are the embodiment of your organization’s dreams, a vision of where you want to be in the next three to five years. Your vision encompasses many different aspects of your organization – your programs, infrastructure, finances and more. It wraps all of these connected pieces together into a set of goals, targets you want to reach within that three to five year range giving you an understanding of the journey you need to take during that time.

The route

If you know, generally, where you want to go and when you want to get there you also need to figure out the right route to take. This plotting of your journey, or navigation, is a cornerstone of tactical plans. Tactical plans take your goals and map them out action by action in order for you to reach that stated destination in the vision statement. Such actions can get pretty overwhelming pretty fast, thus tactical plans look at the most immediate (12 to 18 month) actions needed.

Would you like to learn more about tactical and strategic planning? Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with questions or to schedule a call. You can reach us at

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